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Fax from Sonya Rothwell to Cameron Fyfe, David Whelan's solicitors

To: Mr Cameron Fyfe
Ross Harper Solicitors
Phone: 0141 333 6330
Fax No: 0141333 6334
From: Sonya Rothwell
Frontline Scotland
Phone: 0141 338 2526
Fax No: 0141 338 2577
Date: 19 March 2003


Dear Cameron Fyfe,

I am the producer of a Frontline Scotland programme which is looking into doubts around the conviction of John Porteous. This morning I spoke to a client of yours, David Whelan, who was one of the complainants in the case. David Whelan indicated that he would like to put his side of the story to us on camera in a television interview, but would need to take your advice in this matter.

During the making of this programme we have heard from many people who support the Porteous's and believe that the sexual abuse John Porteous was accused of did not take place. They include children who were in the house and relatives of the complainants. In the interests of presenting a balanced programme, I feel that it is vital that we hear from at least one of the victims in this case. So far David Whelan is the only one to have indicated an interest in taking part. So I would like to let you know the kinds of areas we would wish to discuss with him in interview.

The points we would cover:

•  The decision to make allegations against John and Helen Porteous.
•  How David Whelan disclosed the abuse to others in the past, before there were any charges against John and Helen Porteous.
•  The kind of abuse David Whelan suffered
•  Why David Whelan thinks that he was targeted for sexual abuse by John Porteous and how it was hidden.
•  Why David Whelan returned to the Porteous family for holidays and visits for many years after he left Quarriers.
•  Whether David Whelan has confused abuse committed against him by others with his treatment by Helen and John Porteous.
•  Whether David Whelan's motive in bringing allegations is to claim compensation money.

I hope you will be able to advise your client to give us an interview. Because we are working to a tight deadline I would like to have a decision from you and your client at the earliest opportunity, sometime tomorrow preferably. I am contactable on the numbers below if you have any questions, queries or a decision in this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Sonya Rothwell

Frontline Scotland
Office 0141 338 2526
Mobile 0774 098 0545

NOTE: Mr Whelan is given less than 24 hours to respond to the BBC Frontline's request

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