Frontline Scotland interview with Pearl Mailey/Allison. Frontline Scotland interview with Pearl Mailey/Allison. (PDF format). 1. Is it acceptable for any BBC Journalist to inform others to "LIE " under any circumstances while investigating an alleged miscarriage of Justice given that they and others in this instance were accusing victims of lying? 2. Is it acceptable for any BBC Journalist to direct and inform any interviewees what to say (page two of transcripts) - there are many other interviews that were led and instructed by the BBC Frontline Journalist. Interviews by all contributors to the BBC should have been impartial and freely given by the interviewees to fully determine and ascertain their actual knowledge and facts pertaining to these particular matters in this instance. 3. Why did the programme makers not put on the programme that Pearl Allison was claiming that cottage parents had in fact physically and sexually abused children (page 10 & 13 transcripts). Why was this not reported to the Police by the programme makers? 3.Why did Pearl Mailey/Allison claim she resided in the Porteous house along side me in supporting documents (this was a LIE)! 4. You will notice how this transcript contains no actual verifiable facts pertaining to David Whelan to verify what Ms Mailey/Allison is stating. 5. Ms Pearl Mailey was NEVER my friend (this is a LIE). We just happened to take the same bus to Linwood High school for a short time. She was not even in Quarriers during part of the time I was there. 6. She LIED about the knife incident concerning Helen Porteous and claimed that it was on Mrs Drennan (she was never in any cottage I resided in while I was in Quarriers Homes). 7. Yet again there was collusion with this group and incidentally also Pearl Allison and her ex-husband Robert worked for Quarriers in the past and with Mrs Helen Porteous (more Nepotism). 8. Pearl Mailey/Allison also was the past Vice Chairwoman of the Association. This testimony by this individual was complete deception and falsehoods by Pearl Mailey/Allison as was her sister's Agnes Ward/Allison on "Secrets or Lies". 9. Perhaps Pearl would like to give us her true age? More to follow! |