For the record Letter from Phil Robinson, Chief Executive of Quarriers, to Mailbox, Sunday Mail, 09/05/2004 REGARDING your article last week about the sale of Mount Zion church in Quarriers' Village, Renfrewshire: the income from this sale - hopefully between £300,000 and £400,000 - will be ploughed back into the community to benefit the church congregation, local facilities and Quarriers. The sale will enable us to continue to help thousands of Scottish people in need - young homeless, adults with disabilities, carers, self-harmers, adults and children with a disability. Quarriers is recognised in the social work field as a leader in its field - one of Scotland's biggest care charities. Quarriers is a very different organisation today than it was 30 years ago. It no longer provides orphan homes for children, as it did from the 1870s to the 1970s. We do not support former employees convicted of child abuse. We fully accept the verdict of the courts in these matters and we have fully co-operated with the police throughout their enquiries. |