Letter to Sheila Logan, Chair Former Boys and Girls Association
FBGA try to reconcile differences with Association to no avail.
Mrs Shelia Logan
52B Moss Road
Bridge of Weir
PA11 3LS
16th August 2006
Dear Shelia
I personally would like to thank you for allowing Harry Aitken to represent us
in hopefully coming to some sort of reconciliation and agreement on the serious
issues that these matters have raised by the actions of past members including
Committee members of the Association.
I want to state for the record that at no time have I personally harassed any
individual of the Association. We have merely raised serious concerns with its
elected representatives and will continue to do so.
The past actions of some of the Association membership including the
intimidation of witnesses after court convictions and supporting convicted
paedophiles has been unacceptable to us and always will be.
These individuals have engaged in personal activities not compatible with the
Aims of the Association or Quarrier's, in our view. The Association should have
dealt with the matters robustly and distanced themselves from this group's
Without wishing to go over old ground the reason we are in this position today
is of no fault of the former boys and girls abused in Quarriers Homes. It
squarely lies with the Association and their failure to deal with the serious
issues appropriately raised by us at the time.
We wished to resolve these issues some time ago to the benefit of all the
former boys and girls but it became evident to us that perhaps it was not the
appropriate time for both parties given the difficulties in trying to resolve
the issues.
There has to be the will and good faith by both parties for there to be an
acceptable resolution to the issues.
We reserve the right to highlight these abuse issues in the media and on our
website and any matters pertaining to the issues as the group who represent
those abused in Quarriers Homes at any time of our choosing.
David Whelan